A blog about all things Stargate. Hosted by GateGabber and featuring her original photographs.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Angel Sewing's contest to win SG Team patches
I know there are a lot of cosplayers out there. Bra Zat shared a link on Facebook for a contest on Angel Sewing's contest to win a set of SG Team patches. I am sharing it here for those who might be interested in entering. Angel Sewing is located in France, so this may be of particular interest to European fans. Here is the link: Angel Sewing on Facebook. The patches look really nice. I will add a photo if I get their permission to share it.
An Interview with Taylor Underwood, The Stargate Guy

Gabby: Hi, Taylor. Thanks for making the time answer my questions. So let's get right down to it. Can you give me the rundown on The Stargate Guy? It must be pretty much a full time job to put your show together every week.
Taylor: It is not
a full time job, although I would absolutely love it to be, but I have a
YouTube channel The Stargate Guy where I make weekly videos about Stargate.
Everything from theories, how things work, character profiles, interviews and
more. You can go to it here: https://www.youtube.com/thestargateguy
Gabby: I have been asking all of the Superfans how they first discovered Stargate. What's your "origin story?"
Taylor: Well like a lot of people I discovered Stargate sitting on the couch next to my dad. He worked a lot and when he wasn’t working his full-time job he would be out in the woodshop making cabinets for someone or rebuilding the house for the twelfth time. I was never a big fan of working with my hands, I can do it but it is not my most favorite thing to do. So unlike my brothers who bonded with my dad through working on cars or houses, I bonded with him by watching sci-fi and movies.
Although he was a rather manly man, he loved sci-fi and enjoyed watching any show or movie with “star” in the name. You know the ones I’m talking about. One day he saw that Stargate SG-1 was on and turned it to that channel. I don’t remember the exact episode, but I remember asking what this was because it was so cool. You had guys running around shooting aliens, talking about history and science, it was awesome! Well it turned out that he had the DVD of the original movie and we watched that and whenever Stargate was on we would watch it and talk about it together. We would form theories and discuss battle tactics, archeology, physics, whatever the episode was about.
Gabby: Do you have a favorite Stargate series or episode?
Taylor: My favorite Stargate series would be SG-1 primarily it’s because that is what my dad and I watched together most. It has a good dynamic between characters, it built the universe, and introduced the basis of everything that we all love.
My favorite episode would be “Wormhole X-tream”. In that episode we not only get a good story about Martin, but also a peak behind the curtain of how Stargate was made. We see the set builders, costume makers, prop people, directors, camera crew, producers, writers, everybody! It is filled with inside jokes and I would re-watch the DVD commentary of that episode a lot. That kind of thing actually helped inspire me to make my own videos.
Taylor: Personally, I have to go with Doctor Daniel Jackson. He made history, archeology, and anthropology look cool. Of course he was shooting a gun some of the time, so that helps. I always loved history but that character made me love it more. Later on when thinking about what to study in college I thought about how it would be kind of cool to be like Daniel Jackson. So I went to Utah State University where I earned to Bachelor of Science Degrees in History and Anthropology and a Museum Studies Certificate.
Gabby: That's awesome. I'm constantly impressed by what an incredibly smart group of people Stargate fans are. The Superfans are all very active in Stargate Fandom. Besides the Superfans, what other fan groups or clubs do you belong to?
Taylor: Well currently I'm mainly in the Stargate Fandom, I don’t have too much time for anything else. But I have been active in the Star Trek and Star Wars fandoms a little. Mainly, outside of Stargate I’ve been involved with board game clubs and groups. I love board games and have even designed a few myself. When I have a little free time, I need to blow the dust off of one and sell it to a publisher.
Gabby: What Stargate related activities or hobbies do you enjoy?
Taylor: I grew up in a small town away from everything so pretty much anything fan related was off of the table. The first time I attended a convention was last year in 2018 when I went to Gatecon The Evasion. I had a chance to interview some of the cast and crew members. For the first time in my life, I was talking to professional actors who I had watched and who were good enough to play roles that impacted my life. That was an amazing experience. Since joining the panel Stargate Command has been generous and helped me get down to Wondercon in 2019. That was my first big convention experience. It amazed me to watch thousands of people dressed up. Booths with absolutely everything, it was incredible.
I only have gotten into cosplay because one of my viewers on YouTube thought I needed a uniform so they sent me one, I have never really had the money or reason to get into it otherwise. I always like talking to people at conventions seeing cosplayers, prop building, and reading fan articles and theories. It amazes me how creative and talented the fandom has become.
Gabby: Well, we had really good role models, didn't we? Stargate is full to the brim with creative and talented characters. How did you hear about the Stargate Superfan Project and what made you want to apply?
Taylor: I heard about it by getting the mass email from Stargatecommand.co and on the same day I had several subscribers send me messages telling me about it and telling me that I should throw my hat in the ring. I ended up making a short video about it for my viewers and asked them what they thought. I had dozens of messages and people from all over the world saying that I should apply. What really pushed me over the edge however, was the support of my fiancĂ© Sarah. She encouraged me to follow my dream and I’m really thankful that she has.
Gabby: Do you have a favorite Stargate-related website that you think other fans would enjoy? What is it?
Taylor: Well, it sounds bad to say it but my YouTube page is my favorite. I’m also working on a website: www.stargateguy.com but it’s still in development. That being said I do really like Gateworld.net Darren, Adam and everyone over there is really professional and they put out some good articles and keep up with Stargate news. Also Stargatecommand.co is really cool now with the upgrade. Honestly, I love that I can watch any episode or movie of Stargate on my phone or computer anywhere I am for $20 a YEAR. Any Stargate fan who isn’t doing that is just missing a great opportunity in my opinion. That is a steal. I’m not paid to advertise for them by the way, I just really like it. Lol
Gabby: Apart from convention appearances, what does MGM have planned for the Superfan group this year?
Taylor: Well, a lot of things are still up in the air and as the line goes, “we are working on it”. With the release of the new Stargatecommand.co website one of the things that we are going to be doing in helping with monitoring and supporting the different factions on the site. That way, fans have someone to go to with simple questions about things and if they have ideas about what the franchise could do to be better, they can come to us and we can relay that message straight to MGM. That is the main reason why we are here, we are the mouthpiece of the fans, not MGM puppets. There are also other possibilities and opportunities that are being talked about. I can’t really say much more, but I’m excited about the future of Stargate.
Gabby: I know MGM plans to join the Stargate fans at a number of conventions this year. I will definitely be attending Comic-Con in San Diego. Will you be going to any conventions, or participating in any events in the next few months as part of the Stargate Superfan Project?
Taylor: I hope too, nothing is confirmed for sure yet. The difficulty with me is that I’m planning a wedding, running a YouTube Channel and working a full-time job. So, in short I’m a wonderful mixture of broke and busy. I would love to attend those events if financing comes through. As far as online, I do drop into the Wormhole Wednesday’s on occasion on the Stargate Command YouTube page, and chat with folks while we rewatch an episode or two. Personally, there is a possibility of a small live gathering with The Stargate Guy clan in Portland, Oregon sometime, but that is in the early stages of development.
Gabby: You definitely have to keep me posted on that, it sounds really fun. Will MGM allow you to share anything about their plans for the fans?
Taylor: One of the things that they are planning is to have more fan involvement and blur the line between studio and fandom. This is clearly evident by the creation of the Superfan Panel which has never been done before and is really experimental. On the Stargatecommand.co website they have a section in there where they are going to feature different fans who have had Stargate really impact their life. I’m really looking forward to that. With my YouTube channel I have had the opportunity to talk to thousands of fans from around the world and I love hearing their stories of how Stargate has affected them. It really is something that brings all of us together.
Gabby: If the SGC were real, I would want to be the base Librarian so I could examine all of the books and artifacts that the teams brought back. How about you? What would your job be?
Taylor: I would want to be an anthropologist on an SG team. I would love to be on the front lines of exploration and meeting different cultures from around the universe. The only issue is that I would have to drop some weight because if the Goa’uld or Ori are chasing me, I want to get the hell out of there!
Gabby: Lol! Just one more question, and this is perhaps the most important. Jack O’Neill’s favorite color is ‘peridot,’ what is yours?
Taylor: Green, no question. Hunter or forest green tend to be my favorite, although, I do like a good puce.
That wraps up my interview with Taylor Underwood. Over the next few weeks I will be getting ready for Comic-Con. I am working on my SG-1 cosplay and will be sharing photos of the work I am doing to modify a Blackhawk Medic vest to make it look more like those used on the show. Many people buy two vests and combine them to make a replica, but this Librarian is on a budget! I am using one purchased vest and materials anyone can find at their local fabric store. I also plan to make a foray into 3D printing to see if I can produce a low-cost GDO.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
An Interview with Yvonne Cahill -- the Stargate Superfan Representing Australia
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Yvonne Cahill, Superfan |
Gabby: Hi,
Yvie. It's great talking to you again. So, tell me, how did you first
discover Stargate?
Yvie: I
first discovered Stargate about 7 years ago through my
boyfriend (now husband), Adam. He was a fan of the franchise growing-up, but
hadn’t rewatched the series in years. He convinced me to join him in a rewatch,
although I was hesitant at first! It only took a few episodes to get me
completely hooked! My Stargate passion quickly morphed and grew as I discovered
Gabby: Do
you have a favorite Stargate series and episode?
Yvie: My
favourite Stargate series is unquestionably SG-1 (I
know my answer is completely cliche - and Jack HATES cliches, but it’s the
honest truth!) My favourite episode is Window of Opportunity (which
is also a cliche!) I love the balance of light and dark in this episode - it
hits all the right notes (the obvious humour juxtapositioned with Malakai's
heartbreaking loss and Jack's
empathy). There’s also “that” kiss in the control room between
Jack and Sam! As a MacGyver fan, I also enjoyed watching the on-screen reunion
of Richard Dean Anderson and Robin Mossley.
Gabby: What
about your favorite character? Who is it and why?
Yvie: My
favourite character is definitely Jack - he's just so complex! At first, you
think he's this brash, unfeeling military stereotype with a tragic backstory,
but as the series progresses you see the witty humour and delicate undertones
in his personality (eg: his almost immediate acceptance of Teal'c in spite of
"junior," the rapport he has with children, etc).
Gabby: The
Superfans are all very active in Stargate Fandom. Besides the
Superfans, what other fan groups or clubs do you belong to?
Yvie: I’m
not sure if this qualifies, but I’m a registered user of fanfiction.net and AO3.
Gabby: Yes,
that qualifies. Tell me more.
Yvie: I'm
a fanfiction author, but it's just a hobby - my stories aren't
supported/endorsed by MGM (they're not approved canon). That said, if any fans
would like to read my short stories for a laugh, they can be found on
fanfiction.net under the pen name of Freya the Snake Slayer, or on
AO3 under the pen name Freya_the_Snake_Slayer.
Gabby: What Stargate related
activities or hobbies do you enjoy?
Yvie: As
previously mentioned, I’m a fanfiction author. A lot of my free time is spent
researching and writing my Stargate stories. I’ve also dabbled
in a bit of poetry. I’ve written a few Stargate/Dr Seuss-inspired
rhymes and one Stargate/Night Before Christmas-inspired
rhyme. I also enjoy crocheting and painting! At the moment, I’m working on a
crocheted version of SG-1. So far, I’ve made a Jack and Sam and I’ve just
started on Teal’c. I’ve also hand painted two pairs of canvas shoes with
a Stargate/Starry Night-inspired montage!
Gabby: I
saw your shoes at Wondercon. They're brilliant. Do you have a
favorite Stargate-related website that you think other fans would
enjoy? What is it?
Yvie: Other
than Stargate
Command, I also love Gateworld and Stargate
Wiki. I use both of these sites as reference points for my fanfiction
writing. I do my best to follow the Stargate lore.
Gabby: How
did you hear about the Stargate Superfan Project and what made
you want to apply?
Yvie: I
first read about the Superfan Project via the Stargate Facebook
page. As cheesy as it sounds, it literally made my heart flutter. I knew I
had to apply - it felt like kismet! Stargate saw me through some
difficult times and I wanted to pay it back - help to build it strong for the
Gabby: Apart
from convention appearances, what does MGM have planned for the Superfan group
this year?
Yvie: There’s
a lot of exciting new projects and initiatives on the horizon for 2019! We’re
not at liberty to discuss the finer details, but to quote the old adage - we’re
working on it! The Superfan group is basically a Stargate think
tank. Our main objective is to breathe new life into the 25 year-old franchise
by pooling our unique strengths, resources and ideas. We’ve been brainstorming
a lot of exciting new things, so all I can stay is - stay tuned!
Gabby: I
know MGM plans to join the Stargate fans at several
conventions this year. (Gateway in Chicago in June, Comic-Con in San
Diego in July, and Cal
Mah in the UK in September.) I will definitely be attending Comic-Con.
Will you be going to any conventions as part of the Stargate Superfan
Yvie: I'm
planning to attend Cal Mah in the UK in September!
Gabby: If
the SGC were real, I would want to be the base Librarian so I could examine all
of the books and artifacts that the teams brought back. How about you? If you
could have a job there, or anywhere in the Stargate universe,
what would your job be?
Yvie: This
is a tough question! As a writer and former journalism student, I'd like to be
the person responsible for breaking the Stargate news story to
the world (it would be the ULTIMATE scoop!!!) If the SGC were real AND the
program was revealed to the world, I'd like to run the Stargate Gift
Shop. I currently work in customer service and can be quite persuasive!
Gabby: Just
one more question, and this is perhaps the most important. Jack O’Neill’s
favorite color is ‘peridot,’ what is yours?
Yvie: My
colour preferences vary based on mood, but I’m quite partial to amaranth!
Gabby: Thanks,
Yvie. It was great talking to you again. Next week GateGab.com will feature an
interview with Superfan Taylor Underwood, TheStargateGuy. I hope you will all
tune in then.
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Hanging out at the Stargate Command booth at Wondercon, 2019. Pictured: Jenny Seelman Stiven (MGM), Marcia Middleton, Bra Zat, Nicole Rodriguez Galdo and Yvonne Cahill. |
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Yvonne Cahill on stage at Wondercon |
Sunday, June 2, 2019
An Interview with Marcia Middleton -- the Stargate Superfan Representing Florida in the USA

Gabby: Hi, Marcia. So, what part of the USA are you living in?
Marcia: Currently in Jacksonville, Florida, USA-- but I claim New York City, born and raised!
Gabby: And what is your current involvement in Stargate fandom?
Macia: I am currently a Stargate SuperFan, one of 10 selected throughout the world. What a thrill!
Gabby: How did you first discover Stargate?
Marcia: I have always had an interest in pyramids and the mysteries surrounding them, as well as science and science fiction in general. When I heard about the movie Stargate and saw the poster, I was already taken in-- an instant fan. I will never forget seeing the film in the theater for the first time. I made certain to sit in my favorite spot in the middle, a huge bucket of popcorn by my side. The theatre darkened and the incredibly haunting music score created by David Arnold filled my head. There was Giza, and the raising of the massive circular object. Then the jump forward to Daniel Jackson’s lecture. James Spader as Daniel Jackson was brilliant, and quirky and funny. Kurt Russell as Jack O’Neil broke my heart as he struggled with the tragic death of his son. When the two met, I knew there were going to be sparks. In the gateroom, when the chevrons were locked in place for the first time--- my stars---what a dazzling effect! Kawooosh! I adored it when Daniel tentatively touching the event horizon then got whisked through to the other side to Abydos. ::sigh::
I saw the movie on the big screens at least, well….many times. Stargate had burrowed itself deep into my consciousness, where it lies, safe and sound even today. When it was gone from the theater I waited for the video release and purchased it immediately. I have every version of the movie that has been released. I collected most of the movie related items I could find, and yet still hoped for more someday.
Gabby: Do you have a favorite Stargate series and/or episode?
Marcia: Stargate series or episode? Hey—what about the movie that started it all?! Without the original movie…well you know the rest of that line. It is so very true. Without the original movie, nothing else of our beloved stargate universe would exist. Stargate the original movie, is my favorite.
Gabby: You are 100% correct. I shouldn't forget the movie. The movie was how I first fell in love with Stargate as well. Tell me who are your favorite characters and why?
Marcia: Hmmm… favorites are always a tricky question for me. Most of us adore the main characters.
For me, secondary characters, especially adversarial ones bring depth and flesh out storylines. Through them and their interactions with the main characters, I learned even more about Jack, Daniel, Sam and Teal’c. Here are some of my fave evil ones:
Ra (Jaye Davidson) - Ra’s youthful look, belied the slithering evil inside. Where would the Stargate movie story have been without Ra?!
Apophis (Peter Williams) - The first System Lord to really wrangle with the team time and time again. Apophis set the stage for system lords to come.
Ba’al (Cliff Simon) - In Christian writings, Ba'al is thought of as a demon. After watching the episode “Abyss”, appropriately the 6th episode of the 6th season, and how Ba’al continuously tortured Jack.…Ahem…yes. Demon. Perfectly portrayed.
Anise/Freya, aka Tok’ra Spice (Vanessa Angel) - Is Anise/Freya evil? Well, perhaps not truly, BUT, she tried to horn in on Jack so….yes!
Senator Robert Kinsey (Ronny Cox) - We have to have political evil in a story like Stargate, and Senator Kinsey fit the bill nicely.
Gabby: The Superfans are all very active in Stargate Fandom. Besides the Superfans, what other fan groups or clubs do you belong to?
Marcia: Stargate Command, several online groups…I like to keep an overall view and see what is happening all over Stargate fandom! I like to reach out to the four corners of the earth.
Gabby: What Stargate related activities or hobbies do you enjoy?
Marcia: I continue to look for and collect items from Stargate the movie. Organizing and attending events and conventions, personal interaction with fans…
Gabby: Do you have a favorite Stargate-related website that you think other fans would enjoy? What is it?
Marcia:I have to chat about my website: Stargateguide.com
Dean Devlin created the very first website specifically for a movie with Stargate. I loved it and knew he was on to the future. I was inspired by him to create a Stargate collectibles website, which is still up today. Stargateguide.com is my Stargate collectibles website where every single aspect: graphics, thumbnails, etc, were done by me long before pre-packaged website themes were available. Much of what is on Stargateguide.com is pretty old. I thought of updating it, but have decided to keep it as it is-- a snapshot of that time and what it took to mount a website back then.
Gabby: How did you hear about the Stargate Superfan Project and what made you want to apply?
Marcia:I cannot remember the single place where I first heard about this unique MGM project, as I am on so many Stargate sites. LOL. There has been so much Stargate action in my life, that I felt they would want me! They HAD to take me.
Here are some of the things I have done to cultivate Stargate fandom:
· Created and chaired the first Stargate-only fan convention in the United States
· Created the highly successful Stargate Offworld Track at Dragoncon
· Director of the Stargate Offworld Track at Dragoncon
· Produced Stargate fan panels at San Diego Comic con
· Worked with many SG actors and creators to help them connect with fandom
· Moderated dozens of panels with actors and creators
· Assembled Stargate fan printed media – such as fanzines and convention guides
· Liaison with merchandisers – Comic publishers, card companies, toy companies, etc.
· Held a memorial service for Don S. Davis for fans and SG stars
· Produced Stargate literary contests
· Created the first Don S. Davis Memorial Charity Auction
Gabby: Apart from convention appearances, what does MGM have planned for the Superfan group this year?
Marcia: Plans are being worked on as we speak. There are some really cool things including working all over the world with Stargate fandom…stay tuned!
Gabby: I know MGM plans to join the Stargate fans at both the Gateway anniversary celebration in Chicago in June and at Comic-Con in San Diego in July, this year. I think they will be at Cal Mah in the UK, in September, as well. I will definitely be attending Comic-Con. Will you be going to any conventions, or participating in any events, live or online, this Spring/Summer as part of the Stargate Superfan Project?
Marcia: I, too, will be at San Diego Comic-Con as well as some other events that are still in the planning stage. In addition, we all will be online every week with new sections of the all-new Stargate Command site, which is going to be unlike anything you have ever seen. (Don’t you love that phrase, especially in sci-fi?)
Gabby: I got my first look at Stargate Command's new look just this week. I stayed up VERY late exploring all of the new features. I'm excited to hear you and the other Superfans will be contributing to it.
Next question: If the SGC were real, I would want to be the base Librarian so I could examine all of the books and artifacts that the teams brought back. How about you? If you could have a job there, or anywhere in the Stargate universe, what would your job be?
Marcia: Nice question!
I would like to lead the team that goes back to some of the planets they visited and see what a mess they made after they left. We would be the clean up/follow up crew. We have so many questions!
Gabby: Just one more question, and this is perhaps the most important. Jack O’Neill’s favorite color is ‘peridot,’ what is yours?
Marcia: Well, for me answering this question takes more than giving a simple straightforward answer.
When I was Director of the brand new Stargate Offworld Track at DragonCon in Atlanta, Georgia, it was the first celebrity panel and our first day of a four-day weekend We were hosting almost a dozen stargate actors. I was moderating the very first megapanel (megapanel is a word I coined for the panels where we had every guest on stage at the same time – up to a dozen or so). Anyway, we had the wonderful Don S. Davis, and about 10 additionally amazing guests gathered and ready to interact with the fans. It was an incredible start to an entirely new all Stargate adventure, and we were super excited!
When the panel began, I decided to ask some easy, fun, warm up questions of each guest—sort of teen magazine style. One of my questions was “What is your favorite color?” We went down the line, and the color blue kept popping up as a favorite. Waaaay down the line, by the time it was Kavan Smith’s turn, he took a huge breath, leaned down toward the microphone and in a low, deep, voice bellowed, “DARK blue!” The guests and the entire ballroom of fans roared with laughter.
Over the next 3 days of Stargate panels, when asked a question, Kavan randomly blurted out “Dark blue” as his first answer, then went on to give his true answer. Soon the audience joined in whenever it was Kavan’s turn. It became one of our inside jokes.
On the last day of the convention, we had a joint Star Trek vs Stargate guests panel with co-moderators, me and Eric Watts, who was the Trek Track Director. I don’t even remember the question Kavan was asked, but his first answer, leaning forward into the microphone was, of course a bellowing “Dark blue!” Spontaneously, Stargate fans made it into a chant. It was fabulous to hear the wave of “Dark Blue!” echo throughout the room like a rallying call. The Star Trek guests, fans and their moderator thought we were nuts. It was so much fun to have a collective inside joke going with a great actor! So….you ask - what is my favorite Stargate color? – All together now - Dark blue!
Gabby: Thank you so much, Marcia, for sharing your stories. I look forward to seeing you at Comic-Con in July. Next week, GateGab.com with have an interview with Australia Superfan Yvonne Cahill. Until then... Dark Blue!
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Stargate Superfan, Marcia Middleton on stage at Wondercon |
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